Creating Your Personal Empowerment Masterplan Starts Here

The Shift Code

The Shift Code isn’t just a book—it’s a 15-week journey and lifestyle to unlock your full potential. Packed with actionable steps, daily affirmations, and inspiring insights, this personal empowerment masterplan will help you change your thoughts, embrace change, and create a life you love.

The daily guide and workbook include:

Mindful Brain Fuel

This section gives you food for thought about the topic of the day.


Each day, you will have an affirmation to stimulate your positive self-talk. As you become more comfortable with consciously directing your self-talk, I encourage you to add your own affirmations directed at your personal intention.


Review the checklist every morning to activate your positive self-talk and remind yourself of what you need to accomplish during the day. Then, in the evening, check off the items you completed. This will help with consistency and practice, as well as help you track your progress

Unveiling Your True Self

This is space for you to answer the self-reflection question of the day and write down your feelings or anything personal you want to remember about your journey. I suggest you read the question in the morning, think about it during the day, and then write your answer in the evening.


There will be a new inspirational quote every day that is related to the topic of the day. The intent is to further inspire you.

Readers & Experts
Rave about The Shift Code

I learned to drive on a stick SHIFT. By learning how to SHIFT, I could get to where I wanted to go. This comprehensive and inspiring book does just that. If you follow its daily routine, you will get to where you want to go. Gay Page has travelled the journey and knows the territory well. She shares this with us and makes the journey more enjoyable with her breadth of knowledge and wisdom. Gay is a trustworthy and reliable guide so enjoy the journey. Happy trails and remember—SHIFT happens.

— Rev. Janet Stangvik

As a physician and psychiatrist, I have witnessed countless unexpected and unimaginable “miracles.” Many of these miracles seem to lie outside the boundaries of modern medicine, technology, and pharmaceuticals, even while utilizing all of these. These ‘miracles” are not dependent on age, condition, intellect, or education. Some are profound, some subtle, many go unnoticed. Many are relayed by “chance” meetings in everyday life and travel through these encounters throughout time. Trust, faith, and openness, to the holistic truth about ourselves, our life, and our path ahead appear to be key ingredients. We all can find ourselves in a bottleneck along the way. All of us need assistance from time to time to jump start us out of our unhealthy patterns in order to begin and embrace a new level of personal awakening for this leg of our journey. We need a guide.

The Shift Code is just such a guide. The Shift Code is a well-designed blueprint for increasing self-understanding, with the bonus of reaching you wherever you are. This book serves as a masterplan for an organized journey of self-discovery in a very approachable workbook format.

I am grateful this book came my way. Begin to learn The Shift Code and start your own journey of self-discovery!

— M.Fiorella, DO, ABHIM

The joy of learning. The joy of doing. You will have both upon reading The Shift Code: Your Personal Empowerment Masterplan by Gay Page. The Shift Code is more than a “self-help” book. The author educates, encourages, and provides the reader with an organized plan for self-understanding and—if needed—ideas for change. A perfect workbook for anyone interested in becoming aware of what creates their worldview and how to transform negativity into a flourishing life of gratitude and positivity.

— Vera M. Holder, MA
Professor Emeritus and Communication Consultant

According to research published in The Harvard Business Review, successful CEOs spend about 15% of their time reading. True, much of any CEOs reading time relates to improving business acumen but improving effective communication skills and emotional intelligence cannot be overstated. The author’s extensive leadership and teaching experiences are intertwined in The Shift Code: Your Personal Improvement Masterplan. We have incorporated this book as a catalyst for team building. Team members report the segments on resilience, integrity, and emotional intelligence provide powerful tools both inside and out of a professional environment. I encourage anyone in a leadership position to have The Shift Code be a part of their daily read.

— Robert J. Crutchfield, MS
Founder and CEO, The Interfield Group

Having taught collegiate-level interpersonal, intrapersonal, and small group communication studies for over 30 years, I can attest that The Shift Code: Your Personal Empowerment Masterplan is a perfect companion reader for courses in the field of communication studies. Understanding the self is critical in improving communication with others.
Read it. Try it. You won’t be disappointed.

— Stephanie Fondren, MA
Professor Communication Studies, Professional Speaker, and Seminar Leader

This book is a ray of sunshine on every page. The author cheers you on with contagious enthusiasm and guides you with a daily plan to discover your dreams and manifest your Destiny. Well worth the journey.

— Sage Bennet, Ph.D.
Author of Wisdom Walk: Nine Practices to Create Peace and Balance
from the World Spiritual Traditions

If you’re grappling with negative thoughts about life and questioning where you fit in, The Shift Code is the book you’ve been waiting for! This one-of-a-kind workbook is designed to help you uncover your unique strengths and tackle areas for growth, empowering you to create meaningful change in your life.

Drawing from my experience as an activist in social movements such as LGBTQ+ Safe Space, I Am Equality, the NOH8 Campaign, and Thrive: People Like Us!, I’ve seen firsthand how self-awareness can be a transformative tool. Embracing love, forgiveness, and genuine joy has been essential in my own journey and can be equally impactful for you. These powerful tools will guide you toward success as you navigate life’s challenges with newfound confidence and purpose.

— Lance R. Lockwood
Professor and Distinguished Faculty, Author, and Activist